Welcome to the Evolutionary Computing Systems Lab (ECSL) directed by Dr. Sushil J. Louis. ECSL is hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Nevada-Reno. We investigate systems that use genetic algorithm (GA) search to evolve AI for RTS games, to evolve, interaction design and directed autonomy for large numbers of heterogenous simulated and real-world agents, and to augment machine learning and deep learning approaches. We have worked on new techniques for machine learning using Case-Injected Genetic AlgoRithms (CIGAR), new techniques for playing to learn to play computer games, and new techniques for evolving Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game micro and macro . Check out a few of our current projects below.
Can we effectively use an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) to perform knowledge tracing in order to accurately estimate a student's level of knowledge? RoR-ITS is aimed at teaching midshipmen about different ship types, target angle, and identifying ship activities by looking at ship navigation lights at night.