Bridge Inspection Simulator

The ECSL is colaborating with the ARA Laboratory on Inspecting and Preserving Infrastructure through Robotic Exploration also known as INSPIRE. Our role is to use our expertise with development in the Unity 3d game environment to create a robotic bridge inspection simulator. We will build a series of Simulation Training And Control Systems known as (STACS) that will be used for operator training and will aid in the development of educational games that will promote robotic inspection careers.
Recent Progress
(October 08, 2017) Video Update with VR.
In this video we show new user interface features. We demostrate the continued ability to control Robots using ROS from the Unity simulator environment. This video ends with a demonstration of VR being enabled in the Unity simulation.
(July 05, 2017) Proof of Concept Video.
This video shows proof of concept. We are able to communicate between ROS and Unity and will be able to build our simulation.
(June 07, 2017) Beginning stages of Bridge Inspection Simulation project.
We are in the process of familiarizing ourselves with ROS and getting ROS and Unity to communicate. We plan to make a video documenting our progress in the near future.